Tension, Stress, and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®)

TRE® is a collection of light exercises that aims to induce a natural, reflexive, muscular shaking or tremoring response to reduce muscular tensions relating to how stress, injuries, and traumas can be held in the body. With practice, the body can return towards a calmer, more balanced state of nervous system activity when the tremor mechanism is activated in a grounded and well-regulated manner.

Learn more about TRE® by reading my blog

  • I found the TRE sessions quite rewarding to relieve tension built up within in my body. It was fun to explore how TRE could be used to concentrate on different problem areas and allow my body at times to decide where I was holding tension and release it. This is certainly a tool I will use going forward to improve my general well-being.

    DK - Group TRE Participant (Summer 2023)

  • I found the TRE exercises were easy to learn with practice. Dale has a gentle, approachable, and easy style. He gave feedback during class to encourage learning and seeing what worked for each person there. I found TRE itself as a practice to be helpful - my own physiotherapist noticed how TRE loosened the muscular tension in my legs, which was one of my hopes in doing this class.

    MP - Group TRE Participant (Summer 2023)

  • "I took the TRE class back in December of this year. I would highly recommend this for people that have muscle pain or nerve issues. It teaches you a whole different mindset and way of thinking about how to deal with the issues of tremors and muscular pain or nerve pain. I highly recommend this course."

    PC - Group TRE participant (Fall 2022)

  • Having Dale to lead me and give extra input and suggestions made all the difference for my TRE experience. He is a generous, knowledgeable and confident teacher. Thank You!

    MU - Group TRE participant (Spring 2023)

  • "With just a handful of sessions, I'm not sure I've started reaping benefits on that level just yet. I can say, however, that it's simply good practice to listen closely to my body, to learn how to perform a 'duet' where I'm encouraging something without forcing, while trying to explore and work through any resistance. Slowing down, tuning in and engaging on this level with my own system feels important and empowering in the longer term."

    KC - Group TRE participant (Fall 2022)

Learn more about TRE® from my blog and Youtube channel!