Physiotherapy ankle sprain tape Victoria BC

Therapeutic and Athletic Taping

The application of tape to the skin can be used to meet multiple goals, including temporarily stabilizing a joint/region, improving blood flow/swelling/bruising, or cuing postural changes.

There are many types of tape used in the clinical setting. Some common types include

  • Kinesiology tape, aka K-Tape, Kinesio Tape, and KT Tape: This stretchy, elasticized tape can be beneficial for cuing posture or joint position and promoting circulation.

  • Athletic tape: While multiple brands and types exist they are generally more rigid and assist with stabilizing a joint/region

  • Leukotape: Again, multiple brands exist but this type differs from the previous in that it tends to be much more sticky and stiff.

Taping is typically an adjunct intervention but can still provide value in meeting your rehab goals. For greater stabilization supportive bracing may be recommended - I am happy to review the indications for bracing and provide suggestions, as needed!